So far my idea for consistent posting after my return from SfN. No messages from my side. None whatsoever, my apologies.
I have a new idea though, inspired by an email from my lovely girlfriend about efficient writing. Tips included: 'Forget the idea you're ever going to finish' and 'Forget a generalized audience, ... in writing, your audience is one single reader'. So, armed with some new energy I have to tell you about the wonderful initiative we have in Amsterdam.
Science and art have always been friends, since art can inspire scientists and science can look pretty darn good too. Everyone must have been amazed by the pictures taken with the Hubble space telescope, the pictures taken daily through microscopes in every lab on the globe and buildings no-one thought were possible, made possible by science.
To deliberately make art from science takes more effort, but can have great results. The Amsterdam 'Art of Neuroscience' competition challenges scientists to take their science from the lab, make it pretty and then present it to a general audience. The event took place at NEMO, the Amsterdam science museum, during the brain awareness week and received considerable media attention. The entries were from the fields of human fMRI, electrophysiology and imaging to name a few.
It's best not to talk (write) too much about it. Better to just direct you to the pictures!
The winner - M. Steenwijk
Honorable mentions - J. Winnubst, S. Hoyng, C.P.J. De Kock and R. Meredith
See all submissions here.